A Journey Outlined
For Christmas, my parents got me a little book filled with quotes by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. It has been one of my favorite gifts.
As I was looking through it today, I found this gem:
“If we constantly focus on the stones in our mortal path, we will almost surely miss the beautiful flower or cool stream provided by a loving Father who outlined our journey.”
I love this because not only has God made our journey on this earth beautiful, but He has also outlined it for us. He knows where we are and where our path leads. We are never lost in His sight.
I am so grateful for the stones, the flowers, and the streams in my life. I am thankful for the people I have been privileged to meet and the trials I have been blessed to endure. I know that our Father is watching over us, that our Beautiful Savior made it possible for us to return home, and that we do not have to walk this journey alone.
I hope that you’ll remember these truths and discover them again for yourself every day of your life. They are a light in the darkness and the hope that crowds out despair.
Be brave and keep on believing.
God loves you :)