The Source of all Light
There will be times in your life when you are in desperate need of light.
There will also be times in your life when you are filled with the light that others seek.
No matter where you may currently stand in the timeline of your life, know this: when Jesus Christ came to the Americas after His resurrection, He gave a commandment to all who would hear. He said, “hold up your light that it may shine unto the world. Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up” (3 Nephi 18:24).
In this verse, we come to know who the source of all light is. We also begin to understand our duty to share His light with the world.
As you go about your life, I hope you will take a few minutes each day to ponder on your light.
Are you doing the work necessary to keep it burning brightly, or is it dwindling away?
If it is well-nurtured, are you sharing it with others, or are you keeping it hidden?
No matter the case, I encourage you to commit today to kindle your light and keep it alive and burning fiercely.
Bring the light of Christ into your life by reading your scriptures daily, praying often, and participating in temple and family history work.
As it brightens, hold it up so that it can light the way for those who are struggling.
Know that no matter how weak your light may seem to you, when coupled with Christ’s light it will become powerful.
God is aware of you and loves you more than you can imagine. Let His light ease the shadows of your life and lift your spirits. No matter where you are, His light will help you see your path so long as you hold it up and keep it burning in your heart.
You can do this!